Friday, May 1, 2009

Farm stuff

Well, spring has definitely sprung at the farm. The last two weeks have seen us finalize the re-planting of three and a half acres and get started on spraying Callisto on the fields.
Callisto is a herbicide and we are trying a new application method in the hopes of cutting back on the work load that comes with wiping weeds in the summer.
Last year we spot treated the weedy patches in May and then had a tremendous growth of Yellow Loosestrife, Sheep Sorrel and buttercup throughout June. Mid-July is when the pre-harvest interval for Callisto kicks in so the only way to deal with the infestation was to wipe.
The tool for wiping is a hollow tube shaped like a hockey stick. On the blade it has a bit of absorbent material that that the mixture of Roundup and water in the handle weeps out through and which is wiped on the tops of the weeds. Very laborious, particularly in thirty degree weather.
This year we are spraying all of the vines and early weeds and will repeat the treatment after about two weeks. We shall see if this works to control the problem.
Daughter Jessie is following true love to Halifax on Monday. I must say that my feelings are very mixed about the move. Joe is a good guy and it is apparent that they are deeply in love with each other. He has a great opportunity back east and his family is in New Brunswick, so there will be some support for them there. On the other hand, I will miss the girl something fierce.
Alley starts college on Monday. Now this is good news. She is just coming up on the first anniversary of her graduation from high school and has not shown a lot of interest in getting a job or going to school. The course is training to be a care aid in hospitals and she seems really enthused by the prospects it will offer her.
Well, that should be enough for now.

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