Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fall is coming

It is a cold and rainy day in Pitt Meadows. I know that we will probably have another six weeks or so of fine fall weather, but walking up to the bus stop this morning and getting about town in this drizzle left me feeling as though winter was in the offing.
Yesterday was Jessie's 22nd birthday. Where, oh where, does the time go?
Yesterday was also a full eight months since I had my last cigarette. I still have cravings, especially in graphic dreams about having a smoke and early in the morning. I am very much looking forward to the 30th of December, which will mark one year without.
Biking continues. I am averaging about 25 miles a day. Feel pretty good, though I suspect the rainy season will put a real damper on my enthusiasm.
Well, enough for now.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Almost halfway through August...where does the time go?
It has been six weeks now that I have been off work and I am enjoying the slow pace of my days. The anti-depressants seem to be working, though there are residual symptoms of my depression that have persisted beyond the pills kicking in. Mostly manageable, though I am wondering, when the time comes to return to working, how well I will manage...
I have managed to keep to my schedule of biking twenty-five to thirty miles every day. The ache in my thighs has diminished and my breathing is good, but I am not certain that I will be able to get up to the average of one hundred and twenty miles a day, three times a week, that I figure will let me know that I can seriously plan to bike down to Nova Scotia next year to visit Jessie.
It is interesting to me that when I think of this 7000 plus kilometer trip, I think of it as a pilgrimage of sorts. Getting away from the daily noise of my life, entering into the solitude of the road and journeying, all hint of a promise of more than a physical effort. I do wonder if I am strong enough, mentally and spiritually, for such an effort.
Well, enough for now...