Sunday, April 19, 2009

EfM Quiet Day

Yesterday was a Quiet Day at St. Dunstan, Aldergrove, for Education for Ministry students from the lower mainland. What a wonderfully powerful prayer experience.
At my home parish, St. George, in Maple Ridge, we are blessed with a rector who tries out many different services throughout the year. Our central service at 10AM on Sunday is the communion service from the BAS. Every Thursday and at 8:30 AM on Sundays we have communion from the old Book of Common Prayer. Once a month we have an evening Taize style service. Two or three times a year we have an Ionian style service. At least a couple of times a year we have a Stations of the Cross service. Then there is Evensong, The Blessing of Pets, Maundy Thursday and a host of other Occasional Services. All of these I have at times treasured, but the impact of the Quiet Day and the service that framed it was on a different level from what I have grown to think of as regular worship.
Perhaps this was because, as EfM has been drawing to a close, I have felt some, for me, portents of a change of direction in my faith journey rearing up beneath my daily rituals.
I am not certain. What I am certain of is the deep impact of the silent experience of that day. Such a wonderful reward for attending!

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