Saturday, November 6, 2010


A week ago my old Norco Sasquatch helped me make up my mind to buy a new bike by delivering to me flats, both front and rear, three miles from home. In the rain. Bugger!!! and the decision was made.
I went into Local Ride in Maple Ridge and bought a new Giant Seek 2 hybrid bike. About $730 all in. When out of work, it is never the right time to have that chunky an expense. Oh well, whats done is done.
All of the reviews on this bike are good, excepting one flaw. The tires are shit! No money to pick up good ones, so...
My riding from Monday thru Thursday was wonderful. Narrow 700 series tires that roll so easily. Gears that shift properly and a chain that doesn't regularly slip off the sprockets, worth every penny.
And then came Thursday evening and I was riding to church. Back flat! Oh well, I thought, I'll just walk it this short mile to the gas station and patch and inflate and still be on time. Except...the tires have skinny valve stems and no adaptors to use a gas station pump. I chained it to a post and bussed to church. Thankfully the bike was still there when Vera took me to pick it up with her van. Friday I started to fix the tube and found that it had nine holes in it. Most not a result of glass, but a consequence of them being arguably the cheapest bike tubes ever. Very grumpy!!!
So, today I'm off to the library by bus and tomorrow to church same way and on Monday I'll shell out one hundred and thirty dollars for a pair of Continental Gator Skins, which hopefully keep me flat free.
I did think of putting the cash into a cheap car, but felt that someone poor like me shouldn't be taking on two fifty a month in insurance and gas/maintenance costs.
Off to the library.